Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Other Things

As people, I believe that there is an inner compass that guides us from right and wrong.  People who are bad, people who do bad things, become lazy, or greedy, or something (see 7 deadly sins).  But the true self leads us to the understanding that everyone is good when you get to the bottom layers of who we are. 
Some people will tell you the opposite, that people are inherently evil, and the majority of people believe that we are neither good nor bad (besides the number of people who don’t think too much about it).  The only way that I can rap my brain around any of this is to know that people are good. 

You can talk the bank robber out of doing what he’s doing.  You can convince your boss that he can change, that he can be the good guy and not the corporate shill.  I don’t want to be a leader that leads because of the temptation of money, or power; I want to be able to talk to the goodness inside of a person (does this goodness have a name, how ‘bout Willie).

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