Monday, October 06, 2014

The unknown

I was just checking on my blog this morning when I looked over at the tag line that I put next to my profile.  It says:

In the end, a pause requires courage.  The courage to let go of our security, hesitation, and doubt and engage the unknown directly.

I don't remember where I pulled this quote from but it seems to be relevant to me today.  I am nothing if I am not floating in the unknown.

Sometimes it feels like I'm falling.  Other times I feel like this is the beginning of the Great Adventure.  Most of the time I just feel hungry.

Why do we fear the unknown?

I get very nervous when I have to go to the dentist.  It's another one of my (many) irrational fears.  Once I sit down in the chair I'm perfectly fine.  All of my stress flows out of my body and onto the floor.  I know what is going to happen.  Mainly they're going to say I need to floss more.  But there is a chance that something out of the ordinary will happen.  And moire than the pain I might feel from the drill I fear the unknown.

Now is the time to embrace it.  Now is my time.  Time to figure out who I am and where I really want to be.  There can be no better opportunity that what I have right now.  And I need the courage to face the Great Unknown.

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