Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Why has God given this to me?

I have lived the good life, been the good guy, lived how I think God would want me to.  There have been many times when I was without a job.  Durring that time with nothing to do I would ponder “what am I supposed to be learning?”

I don’t know if I’ve figured it out yet.  But I have come up with a theory.

From the moment I was born, I was supposed to be somebody.  I’m not a genius, I just worked hard and I’ve made myself into something.  

I still need to learn to be a nobody.  

I wrote long ago, I need to stop trying to be THE man and try to just be a man.  I am not Superman or Jesus.  I’m not here to save the world.  I’m not here to save my family.  

I’m just the guy sitting in the cafĂ© window watching the snow, and writing a song.

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