Monday, June 09, 2014

Way too fast

Does anybody ever look at clouds anymore?

I've been reading a book lately about leadership and meditation.  One of the topics that I find interesting is the idea that in the workplace we are asked to do things faster.  Time is money.  The sooner that you're done with that job I've got another for you.  But to do your best work takes time.  You need time to do things carefully, not to make mistakes.

We work in the world of stress, panic, and anxiety.  When is this meeting over, when is the day over, when is the week over.  Do we ever have time to relax?  In this type of work environment who can ever be happy.

I think the trick is the proverbial "You can't see the forest for the trees".  We all need to slow down, take a step back.  We need to realize that while work can be important, it's not everything.  The secret to life is trying to enjoy every moment that you can.  Every small moment that you can pull away from work, every moment you can steal from your drive home, every moment you can spend with your family. 

After all there are only so many moments that you get.

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