Friday, March 14, 2014

You need me up on that hill

When I started dating my wife she was 16.  Her family life was not the best environment for growth as a person.  She was very quiet and kept to herself.  She was young and beautiful (not to say that she isn't still beautiful).  At the time and up until the time we were married I kind of looked at her as a blank slate to which to mold into a better person.  It doesn't sound all that great and this wasn't the only reason that we were together.  But I saw something inside of her that with a little nurturing could be something wonderful.

But that was almost 24 years ago.  Things have changed.

At this point I wonder if she is the one now molding me.  I have this great burden we call depression and more than anything I'm dependant on her telling me that everything is going to be okay.

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