Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Now presenting, the great balancing act!

So I've always been a little bit, for lack of a better word, loony.  I've never been quite sure if it's all an act so that people wont know the real me or its an act so that people see what they think is the real me but I am really loony.  It's like the Russian doll thing, open up one and there's another me inside.  Which one is real.

Anyway, I've always said that I balance on a tight rope.  One side is genius and the other side is insanity.  My brain exists on that thin line.  Sometimes I can solve the world's problems.  It becomes obvious to me ("why didn't I think of that before?").  Other times I don't know how to leave the grocery store or why I'm there (stores are bad for my depression, ask me some other time).

But maybe there can be a new way of looking at things.  Maybe I'm not balancing on a line above the two sides but instead I'm balancing them over my head.  I need to have just the right amount of crazy to adjust for the amount of genius.

Maybe in order to be a little more genius I need to be more crazy.  In the world of crazy there's always room for improvement.

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