Thursday, March 06, 2014

Cause versus effect

I'm having some discussions around here at work about teamwork and leadership.  As usual I have some strong feelings about the subject.  But as I continually need to remember I can't go off on people, yelling my thoughts from the top of the mountain without repercussions.  There is a big difference in being right versus being effective (ie if you piss off everyone, no one's gonna give a XXXXX what you have to say).

Anyway, I digress.

So there's this list going around at work and it talks about different things that are needed for teamwork and a separate list for leadership needs.  One of the things that I noticed is that the two lists go hand in hand and that some of them are causes of lack of leadership and some are the outcome of other things that are lacking.

For example: Two items on the lists are Trust and Motivation.  I see lack of Trust as being a cause of problems.  If you don't trust other people on your team you're going to have a hard time compromising and letting them handle some of the work load (you wont get it done, I might as well do it myself). 

Motivation is an effect of other deficiencies.  You will have a hard time motivating me if you don't trust me or if I don't feel any connection to the project.

I think that many of these type of lists are made by and for CEO types who don't understand everything from the ground level.  These are the same people who confuse Leadership and Management.

If only someone would write a book about leadership from the ground floor.  I wonder.......

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