Tuesday, March 04, 2014

A list of people I plan on killing in the near future.

(not really)

I hate Dilbert.  It's too close to reality for me.  I think some people see it and say "Oh yeah, that happens to me!  That's so funny!"  But for me it's like "Oh crap, that happens to me.  My life really sucks."

The one that I remember the most of all is the one where Dilbert has been trying to tell his pointy haired boss about how they should do X.  His boss gives him all of this business-speak to how that's not a good idea even though he has no idea what Dilbert is saying to him.  Sometime later his boss' boss tells him that they need to do X and now it's the greatest idea that Dilbert's boss ever came up with.

I think I remember this one the most because I've always felt like I have the Casandra syndrome.  In Greek mythology Casandra is the woman who has an affair with Poseidon who then gives her the gift of being able to see into the future.  When things go south in their relationship he adds the caveat that no one will ever believe her.  That's how I feel sometimes.

I seem to be able to understand trends and behaviors in people.  I obviously can't see into the future.  But being that I've spent a good deal of my life being an observer sometimes it can feel like I can.  My curse is that I've never been able to explain myself well enough for people to buy into what it is I'm selling.

And that's something I need to work on.

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