Wednesday, February 18, 2015

The delicate ability to dance

I'm having ego problems lately.  I never have ego problems.  But here I am.

We interviewed a potential new employee at work yesterday.  I felt jealous I guess.  See right now I think I'm the number 3 guy here.  But what if this guy comes in and I get pushed down to 4?  I was seeing a lot of movement career wise here.  I had big dollar signs in my eyes.

But then I remembered something that I always say (and hopefully believe).  I don't want to be handed a title/position/promotion.  I want to earn it.  And here I am expecting to get handed it.  That's not right.

Then I was thinking that how am I supposed to prove myself when there's no one to compare me to?  If I work with this guy, help him out like I always end up doing the acolytes will come.

I always say that everyone needs to be true to who they are.  I guess you can easily forget that, whether you're happy or miserable.

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