When you are first let go from your job a good amount of panic forms. You start thinking about where your income is going to come from. You get onto the job hunt as soon as you get home. I would be willing to be that some people will end up getting a new job right away. But I would be willing to be that a lot of people end up taking more time than they first imagined.
I'm not sure where I am. At least not right now. I've had the panic for the last few weeks. I've been working with some recruiters and getting a lot of new information. I've got a new resume, I have a new outlook, and I have a lot of support from my friends and family. But there is something else that I've just recently discovered.
I am broken.
The panic can cause so many more problems. There is when you start blaming yourself. You start thinking that you'll never get a new job. You start thinking that your family will be eating out of dumpsters. And you end up spending a lot of time with senior citizens (they're the only other people with nothing to do all day).
But I've noticed more than ever that I need the time to heal. I can feel bad for taking a nap in the middle of the day. I can't stress over not having any job leads right now. I have to take the advice that I give my son all the time.
Do your best and no one can ask any more of you.
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