Monday, July 07, 2014


How is it that a person gets themselves motivated?  Growing up I had goals.  I wanted to go to college, get married, have a good job and have a family of my own.  So in my blessed life I have all of that.  Then the question to me becomes; what's next?

Money has never really meant a whole lot to me.  I'm not the richest person in the world but I'm well fed and things are just things (if that makes any sense). 

I've got a great family.  My psychiatrist who also sees my son one day said to me "I really like your family" to which I replied "Thanks, I made them myself".

My bills are (usually) paid on time.  I've got more channels on my TV that anyone could ever need (I guess that would really be want because no one really needs TV).

I guess the question that I have is what happens after happily ever after?

I guess there are things that I want.  I want to be a writer.  I want to make sure my son gets to go to college.  I want the yard to look better (okay I couldn't come up with anything else).  But when you get back down from the top of the mountain don't you say "I ain't doing that again"?  I don't know if I want to go up that hill again.

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